You can customize the appearance and operation of your Ownmail account.
To Change Your Account's Appearance
To select if Address Book should appear while composing the message
To Change Your Account's Appearance
- Choose among the seven Messages Per Page options.
Select the number of messages that are displayed on each page of your Inbox and other folders. This affects the pages' loading time as well as the amount of memory your browser requires to load a page.
Tip: For the fastest Inbox loading time, set this option to '15'.
- Click Submit. Or
Click the Cancel button to return to the Options page without saving any changes.
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To select if Address Book should appear while composing the message
- Select "Yes" if you want address book to be shown while composing a message. This will enable you to automatically fill in the Address Book entries in 'To:', 'Cc:' or 'Bcc:' by mere click of buttons.
Select "No" if you do not want address book to be shown while composing a message.
NOTE: Selecting "Yes" will slow down the compose feature, especially if you have many people in your address book. Also, this feature will work only if your browser supports JavaScript.
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