The Folders feature is where you can truly customize Ownmail for your personal needs. There are three predefined folders: Inbox, Trash and Sent. You can also create additional folders that suit your tastes. Custom folders allow you to organize your messages into meaningful categories, and to prioritize your work or correspondence.
To Create a New Folder
To Edit a Folder
To Delete a Folder
To Open a Folder
To Create a New Folder
- On the top horizontal menu bar, click Folders.
- Click the Create New Folder link, located above the Folders List.
You are taken to the Create New Folder page.
- Type the name for your folder in the "Enter Folder Name: " field.
- Click OK.
You are taken to the Folders page, and your new folder appears in the Folder list. Or
Click Cancel to return to the Folders page without creating a folder.
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To Edit a Folder
- Click the Edit link to the right of the folder name that you want to change.
You are taken to the Edit Folder page.
- Type the new folder name in the "Enter Folder Name: " field.
- Click OK to rename the folder. Or
Click Cancel to leave without saving the change.
You are taken back to the Folders page.
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To Delete a Folder
To delete a folder, click the Delete link to the right of the folder you want to remove. Confirm the deletion in the Dialog box that pops up. The folder will be deleted from your account. Any incoming messages that are filtered to a deleted folder is delivered to your Inbox.
NOTE: The folder that you delete should have no messages in it. You should first move the messages in Trash or any other folder.
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To Open a Folder
Click the Folders link on the top horizontal menu bar. You are taken to the Folders page. All of your folders are listed in the Folders List. To open a folder, click its name.
Next to each folder name, you can see how many messages are stored in that folder, how many of those messages are new, and the size (in K) of the folder.
To see the size of your account, look at the Total at the bottom of the Folders List. The number there is your account size (in K).
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