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Use filter feature to block spam Emails or to drop your special mails directly to a particular folder.

To Create a New Filter
To Edit a Filter
To Delete a Filter

To Change Filter's Priority

To Block Specific E-Mail

The Global Filters

NOTE: The Global Filters override Personal filters i.e. Global filters have HIGHER PRIORITY than Personal filters.

To Create a New Filter

  1. Click the Options link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Options page.
  2. Click the Message Filters link.
    You are taken to the Filters page.
  3. Click Add new entry
    You are taken to Add Filter Entry Page
  4. You see several drop down boxes containing the filter criteria.
  5. From the first drop down box, choose one of the Full From Header, From Name, From Address and Subject. From Name filters the message based on the sender's name. From Address filters the message based on the sender's e-mail address. Full From Name filters the message based on its Full From header line. Subject filters the message based on its subject.
  6. From the second drop down box, choose one of the contains, does not contain, is, is not, begins with and ends with.
    1. contains searches for a specified word, partial word, or phrase
      If you typed "Fred" the filter would find all instances of "Fred," "Fredrick," "Freddie," etc.
    2. does not contain is the opposite of contains
      If you typed "Fred" the filter would find all instances of anything other than "Fred"; "Scarlett," "Rhett," etc.
    3. is searches for the exact phrase.
      If you typed "Fred Smart" the filter would find exactly of "Fred Smart"; "My Fred Smart Friend" would not satisfy.
    4. is not is the opposite of is.
      If you typed "Fred Smart" the filter would find anything other than "Fred Smart"; "My Fred Smart Friend" would also satisfy.
    5. begins with searches for a sentence or word that begins with the specified word or partial word
      If you typed "FredTech@cold" the filter would search for "FredTech@colds.com," "FredTech@coldday.com," etc.
    6. ends with searches for a sentence or word that ends with the specified word or partial word
      If you typed in "@cold.com" the filter would search for "vleigh_gwtw@cold.com," "gablec_gwtw@cold.com," etc.
  7. In the text field, type the phrase or word for which you want to search. Check the case sensitive checkbox for case sensitive search.(i.e. 'Fred' will be treated as different from 'fred')
  8. From the then deliver message to drop down box, choose the name of the folder to which you want the filtered mail to be delivered.
  9. While viewing list of messages in a folder, if you want special background color of the row of the message to which this filter is applied(for quick identification), then select the color other than Normal color or specify a custom HEX color code by choosing other.
  10. Choose Mark message as Read to mark the message as Read automatically.(Can be used for Spam mails)
  11. Choose Do not auto reply to not to auto reply to the message, even if auto reply feature is set(Can be used for Spam mails)
  12. To save the filter entry, click the Submit button. Or
    Click Cancel to return to the Filters page without saving the filter.
  13. You are taken back to the Filters page. Filter entry appears in the list if you had clicked Submit
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To Edit a Filter

  1. Click the Options link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Options page.
  2. Click the Message Filters link.
    You are taken to the Filters page.
  3. Click the Edit link to the right of the filter that you want to change.
    You are taken to the Edit Filter page.
  4. Change the filter criteria as you want.
  5. Click Submit to save the new criteria. Or
    Click Cancel to leave without saving the change.
    You are taken back to the Filters page.
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To Delete a Filter

  1. Click the Options link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Options page.
  2. Click the Message Filters link.
    You are taken to the Filters page.
  3. Click the Delete link to the right of the filter you want to delete. Confirm the deletion in the Dialog box that pops up. The filter will be deleted from the list.
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To Change Filter's Priority

NOTE: If an incoming message headers satisfy two or more filter criteria then the filter with the low Priority number is applied.(i.e. Lower the Number higher the Priority)

You can change the filter priority by selecting Move Up or Move Down link.

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To Block Specific E-Mail

To block the delivery of e-mail from specific senders or domains do the following.

  1. Click the Options link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Options page.
  2. Click the Message Filters link.
    You are taken to the Filters page.
  3. Click Add new entry
    You are taken to Add Filter Entry Page
  4. Select 'From Address' from First drop down list. Select 'contains' from Second drop down list.
  5. Type in the e-mail address of the sender or just the domain.
  6. Choose 'Trash' as the folder.
  7. Press the Submit button to activate the filter. Or
    Click Cancel to leave without saving the change.
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The Global Filters

  1. The Global Filters may be used for filters that are to be applied to the whole domain.(i.e. for all users in a domain)
  2. The steps to add, edit or delete Global Filter entries are the same as that for adding Personal Filters. But you must have rights to perform such actions.
  3. Domain administrator('admin') can give such rights.

NOTE: If you do not have right to perform a particular action then the link to do that will not be displayed.

NOTE: The Global Filters override Personal filters i.e. Global filters have HIGHER PRIORITY than Personal filters.

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