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The address book makes it easy to recall the e-mail addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues by using nicknames. For instance, it's easier to recall Raju than rajeshroshan@myfriends.hahoo.com or to recall Friends rather than the e-mail addresses of your five closest friends.

There are two ways to create an individual nickname, from the Address Book or from the Read Message page.

Also in this Topic
To Create a group Nickname
To Edit a Nickname
To Delete a Nickname
To Send a Message to a Single Recipient
To Send a Message to the Multiple Recipients
To Sort Your Address Book

To Import the Address Book of your Old Mail Program

The Global Address Book and The User List

To Create an Individual Nickname in the Address Book

  1. To create an individual nickname, click Add New Entry.
    You are taken to the Add Address Book Entry page.
  2. In the "Nickname" field, type the nickname that you want to associate with the individual.
    Example: Raju
  3. In the "Email Addresses" field, type the individual's e-mail address.
    Example: rajeshroshan@myfriends.hahoo.com
  4. All of the other fields are optional. If you want to fill them in, do so.
  5. Click Submit to create the nickname. Or
    Click Cancel to return to the Address Book without making any changes.
    You are taken back to the Address Book.
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To Create an Individual Nickname from the Read Message Page

  1. Open the message that you want to read.
    You are taken to the Read Message page.
  2. After the "From:" field, click the Add to Address Book link.
    You are taken to the Add to Address Book page where the fields are already filled.
  3. If you want to change these fields, do so.
  4. Click Submit to create the nickname. Or
    Click Cancel to return to the Address Book without making any changes.
    You are taken to the Address Book.
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To Create a Group Nickname

  1. Creating Group Nickname is same as creating individual nickname.
  2. In the 'Email Addresses:' field, type the e-mail addresses that you want to include in the group in separate line.
  3. Click Submit to create the group nickname. Or
    Click Cancel to return to the Address Book without making any changes.
    You are taken back to the Address Book.
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Editing a Nickname

Steps to modify(edit) individual and group nicknames are the same.
  1. In the Address Book, click the Edit link corresponding to the nickname you want to edit.
    You are taken to the Edit Address Book Entry page.
  2. Change the field(s) that you want to change.
  3. Click Submit to save the changes. Or
    Click Cancel to return to the Address Book without saving the changes.
    You are taken back to the Address Book.
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To Delete a Nickname

Steps to Delete individual and group nicknames are the same.

To delete a nickname, click Addresses on the top horizontal menu bar. Click the Delete link correspondong to the nickname you want to delete. Confirm the deletion by clicking Okay in the dialog box that pops up.

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Sending E-mail From the Address Book

You can send e-mail to one or more of your nicknames by using the Address Book.

To Send a Message to a Single Recipient

  1. Click the Addresses link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Address Book.
  2. Click the Compose link of the person you want to send a message to.
    You are taken to the Compose page. The e-mail address is already in the "To:" field.
  3. Write your e-mail message and send it as usual.
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To send a Message to the Multiple Recipients

To send a message to Multiple Recipients in your Address Book you must enable Address Book in Compose option(which is enabled by default) from Options/Preferences. And also your browser should support JavaScript.
  1. Click the Compose link on the top horizontal menu bar.
    You are taken to the Compose page.
  2. Select the nickname from the 'Addresses:' field and click one of the 'Add to ..' button depending on whether you want E-mail address to goto in 'To:', Cc:' or 'Bcc:' field.
    The E-mail address(es) related to that nickname will be added to that field.
    NOTE: If you do not have Address Book in Compose feature enabled then you may just type in the nickname in the 'To:', 'Cc:' or 'Bcc:' field.
  3. Write your e-mail message and send it as usual.
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To Sort Your Address Book

  1. Your Address Book has the column titles Nickname, Full Name, Email Address(es). You can use these column titles to sort your Address Book.
  2. Click a column title to sort your Address Book by that column property. Click the column title again to sort the Address Book items in reverse order.
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To Import the Address Book of your Old Mail Program

  1. To Import the Address Book of your Old Mail Program, click Import Address Book.
    You are taken to the Import Address Book page.
  2. Click How to create .CSV file from my Addressbook already in my old mail program? link and follow the instructions online based on your Old Mail Program.
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The Global Address Book and The User List

The Global Address Book

  1. The Global Address Book may be used if the users of the domain have to send E-mail messages to the same E-mail address or addresses, so that all users do not have to maintain the same database and can instead directly use Global Address Book nicknames.
  2. The steps to add, edit or delete Global Address Book entries are the same as that for adding Personal Address Book. But you must have rights to perform such actions.
  3. Domain administrator('admin') can give such rights.

The User List

  1. The User List shows the list of users in the domain. This list can not be changed in Address Book.
NOTE: If you do not have right to perform a particular action then the link to do that will not be displayed.

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